Our Nursery


06/03/2025 - World Book Day. Wear your PJ's to school ! 

10/03/2025 - Science Week 

26/03/2025 - Parents Evening- School will close at 1pm 

31/03/2025 - Mother's Day afternoon tea - Details to Follow 

Welcome to Kingfisher CE Academy's Nursery

Message from the Nursery Manager

We hope to be a child’s first step on an incredible educational journey through the Wichelstowe Trinity Learning Campus. This journey starts with our Nursery, as we help children gain the skills and confidence they need to progress to the brand-new Kingfisher Academy for their primary years. This will continue as they eventually step up to The Deanery Academy, taking them all the way through their secondary education.

As a Church of England Nursery we imitate Jesus through our words, actions, gifts and skills. Our lives are an opportunity to shine brightly and we have a responsibility to guide and support others so that they can shine themselves, through the development of their gifts and through service to others.

Please note the Nursery is term time only.

At Kingfisher Nursery our experienced, qualified and caring staff help children discover their world through multi-sensory experiences, make new friends and become confident, independent learners. We have two year old and pre-school provision.

Our Nursery features a large, bright learning space which links the indoors and outdoors and provides endless opportunities for creative learning.

Come and join us!

Book a tour to see our two year old and pre-school provision. They take place every Tuesday at 1pm and Friday at 10am. We can't wait to welcome you to our Nursery!

Please complete an initial interest form here: Kingfisher CE Academy Nursery Initial Interest Form

We will be in touch very soon. 

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number