Phonics and Early Reading

We look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 24th February 

Open Classroom for Year 3 will be on Thursday 27th February 

What does Reading look like at Kingfisher?

Our Aim is that: Every child will leave us a reader, opening the doors and opportunities for a better future.

We use Little Wandle - Foundations for Phonics in our EYFS, Main Programme in Reception and Year 1

Reception Year 1 and Year 2 have Reading Practice 3 x a week with a LW trained teacher using a phonically matched book, there are 3 sessions every week focusing on Decoding, Prosody and Comprehension. The Phonically matched Book then goes home Thursday – Monday. Pupils also take home a non phonically matched sharing book Monday – Monday.

In Year 2 pupils follow Little Wandle Phase 5 Review, Bridge to Spelling and Spelling Units in Y2 (although this is primarily spelling it still has a huge emphases on reading. Once pupils have successfully completed the phonics programme, then the choice of books to read that pupils are given is equally critical. These need to be:

  • Engaging and age-appropriate
  • Relevant to their interests and learning
  • Across a range of genres
  • Colour banding and levelling of books are not encouraged.

In Year 2, children will make the transition from Little Wandle Reading practice sessions into Whole Class Reading. The structure of this will follow The Literacy Tree Curriculum map and the books read will link by theme to the writing units that week/term. This branch is called Literacy Leaves.

There is full curriculum progression and the spiral curriculum is designed to revisit objectives as well as authors. Literary Leaves offer the opportunity for all children to read whole texts rather than extracts to develop comprehension and fluency. Suggestions are included throughout for the modelling of reading with regular opportunities for children to read aloud and be read to with a range of strategies. A wide range of texts are encountered with clear thematic links to build children’s literary repertoires. Quality Book Talk is embedded throughout both Literary Leaves and Writing Roots to develop critical readers. Children are supported to explore and respond to texts in a variety of analytical and evaluative ways with collaborative approaches to rich discussions about texts rather than just test-style questions and answers.

Our Book Tree pulls together our Writing Curriculum, our wider Curriculum Books, our Class Authors, our Authors of the Term and our Rave about Reading.

It highlights themes and author revisits and aims to allow children to make connections through what they are reading and what they are learning.

Class Author - this is an author chosen with care by the class teacher, to represent our diverse and vibrant community. One of the Author’s books is chosen and is given to every child in that class in the Summer Term as part of their Discovery Days pack. Previous authors include Oliver Jeffers, Smriti Halls, Rachel Bright, Joseph Coelho and Mini Grey. 

Our 2024 - 25 Classes are:

  • Nursery - Anthony Class - Steve Anthony ‘The Rainbowsaurus’
  • Pre School - Somara Class - Dr Shini Somara ‘A Scientist like me’
  • Reception/Year 1 - Hary Class - Caryl Hart 
  • Year 1 - DeTerLizzi Class  - Angela DeTerLizzi ‘The Curious Why’
  • Year 2 Shireen Class - Nadia Shireen – ‘Billy and the Dragon’
  • Year 3 Montgomery Class – Ross MontGomery  - ‘Perijee and Me’

Our Wider Curriculum:

Classroom curriculum books are also carefully planned, books to introduce topics for pre learning, books for research and learning as well as books for pleasure.

Rave about Reading is where we push the exposure, we ensure our children get to listen to, and talk about a range of high quality, award winning, diverse, inclusive, high value books.

Rave about Reading should include a mix of activities each week such as; Book Club (20 minutes) Pupil Vote, Y2 upwards a Chapter Book, poetry and non-fiction books.

Our Libraries:

Library fiction books cover a range of genres, themes and authors. The upper school fiction library will be organised in alphabetised with displays on a particular theme of author.

Library non fiction books should also offer the opportunity for pupils to read more deeply or widely on a subject or theme.

Our Intent, Implementation and Impact

We are a Little Wandle school!

Our chosen phonics scheme is Little Wandle. It is a DfE accredited scheme. 

Kingfisher's Reading and Phonics Guidance

Here is our approach to Phonics and Reading:

Phonics and Early Reading Guidance

Our Phonics Curriculum

For parents and children

Great importance is given to staff, children and parents to pronounce these phonemes correctly in order for children to accurately blend and segment. The link below has some videos that may be useful and information on the sounds, letter formation and books that your child will bring home.  

Resources for parents

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number